Today something new arrived, a Dell PowerEdge XR4000. Great new formfactor for smaller footprint environments and Edge Use-Cases.
Special thing here is that the Witness node is a super small NPU
State of the Witness server is visible from either XR Compute nodes iDRAC.

There has been an issue with my deployment whereas the IP Address was not displayed even though i was using DHCP. In this case i had to add this to the boot.cfg on the witness host via serial connection
kernelopt=autoPartition=FALSE text nofb com2_baud=115200 com2_Port=0xe030 tty3Port=com2 gdbPort=none logPort=none
After a reboot the IP was showing up in iDRAC
This will then give you the IP Address of the ESXi that hosts a nested vSAN Witness Host that is ultimately used to choose as a witness for vSAN. Downside is that the Witness physical Host needs an extra ESXi license and is not covered with the usual vSAN Witness License.