Every minute there were events on my hosts that are like
User root@ logged out (login time: Friday, January 7, 2022 2:20:25 PM CET, number of API invocations: 7, user agent: pyvmomi Python/3.5.9 (VMkernel; 7.0.1; x86_64))
User root@ logged in as pyvmomi Python/3.5.9 (VMkernel; 7.0.1; x86_64)
There is a VMware KB and HPE advisory about it and here is how i merged the workaround to be run without user interaction, sadly I have no way to do this via PowerCLI
# Try to stop vnicen.sh gracefully (never worked for me)
/etc/init.d/vnicen.sh stop
# Killing the soft way ;)
kill $(ps -c | grep vnic | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
# make sure it will not start again
chkconfig vnicen.sh off
A Fix was released already with U3 but you all know the trouble with it 😉
Update: tried updating to U3c and problem is gone!